Invisalign Cost near Me

Invisalign Cost near Me

If you are searching for Invisalign cost in your area, we must be honest and say that you won’t get a hard and fast figure. Because there are many variables involved, it is difficult to determine the actual cost of Invisalign without an examination. But we can break down the average cost of Invisalign in […]

Can you drink with Invisalign

Can You Drink with Invisalign?

Although to answer the question, “Can you drink with Invisalign?” we should first consider what you are drinking. The quick answer is that the only thing you can drink while wearing Invisalign is plain water. However, the trays are removable. The longer answer is that you can drink anything during treatment as long as your […]

How to clean my Invisalign aligners

How to Clean My Invisalign Aligners

Whether you are considering them or you already have Invisalign, learning how to clean your Invisalign clear aligners is important. Although it isn’t a difficult task, it does require including it as a regular part of your daily oral health care routine. What You Need to Clean Invisalign Aligners The first question everyone asks is, […]