
We can provide relevant information and insights for those seeking orthodontic care in Centralia, particularly focusing on the foods that can be consumed while undergoing Invisalign treatment. Whether you’re currently undergoing Invisalign treatment or considering it as an option, understanding the appropriate food choices will help you make informed decisions and maintain a positive orthodontic experience. So, let’s delve into the recommended foods to eat with Invisalign in Centralia and ensure a smooth and enjoyable treatment process.

Don’t eat that! You can’t have that with braces. When you get braces or Invisalign, you hear lots of advice to avoid this or that food. It is not often that people discuss foods to eat with Invisalign and braces. The good news with the holidays approaching is that you can eat almost all the pies. You’ll need to avoid the pecan pie, but pumpkin, apple, and Aunt BettyJo’s peach cobbler are perfect.

Why Food Choices Are Important

Although traditional braces are strong enough to shift your teeth into new positions, parts of them are fragile. Eating the right foods is more about not damaging your braces than


any other factor. So, when selecting holiday treats this season, give a thought to whether that food choice may damage your braces. If the answer is “Yes,” then you should avoid eating it.

Invisalign offers more options because you remove the almost invisible trays for eating and drinking. The dietary limitations for Invisalign users are geared more toward what your teeth can handle. Invisalign works by shifting your teeth into correct alignment. While performing this task, some of your teeth may remain slightly loose while not wearing your trays. Chewing harder foods with slightly loose teeth may cause pain. It may also cause those teeth to shift back to their original positioning.

There will be plenty of time after you have a perfect smile to eat all the foods you may miss out on now. Wearing Invisalign and braces is a process that takes some commitment. Make good food selections by asking yourself if those foods will damage your braces or reverse progress already made.

Good Foods to Eat with Invisalign and Braces

With the holiday season in full swing, you may wonder how much fun it can be when you can’t eat anything. The truth is that you will have a few limitations at the Thanksgiving banquet table. Avoid the raw veggie tray, the pecan pie, and that overcooked, tough turkey leg. Everything else is on the list of acceptable foods with Invisalign and braces in Centralia.

Avoid items that are hard, crunchy, or require you to pull and tug with your teeth. For Invisalign wearers, this is to avoid loosening already slightly loose teeth. For traditional braces, this is to avoid damaging your hardware. The green bean casserole, mashed potatoes, turkey and ham, and most of the desserts on the table are okay to eat.

Speaking of good foods to eat, we found a great recipe for pumpkin pie. Make one for yourself and one to share. Remember to be conscious of the foods you are eating this holiday season and practice good oral hygiene.

What Can I Eat with Invisalign?

If you’re wearing Invisalign aligners, you may be curious about the foods you can enjoy

Happy Holidays (Please Share the Pie)

Although you don’t have to share the pie, it would be nice. Don’t forget the whipped cream!

If you have questions about Invisalign or braces, don’t hesitate to contact Centralia Orthodontics. You can use the live chat feature or phone our office at (360) 736-0129. Our staff is always happy to address your concerns.

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